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Contact your MP about Sudan

This cause aims to get Members of Parliament to sign an open letter expressing our deep concern about the humanitarian crisis in Sudan and its impact on our families and the Sudanese-Canadian community.

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Separated they live in bookmarks grove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean a small river named Duden.


SCCA in a non-patrician organization that believes in equal rights of all Sudanese Canadians. SCCA is an inclusive body of ALL those who identify themselves as Sudanese or descendent of Sudanese ancestors live in Canada

SCCA was found with the aim of strengthening the Canadian Sudanese relationship in all fronts, Partculiauly in Cultural, Social, developmental, Educational and Health fields. It does not promote any ideological or political views nor does it support any party affiliation. Member Communities are free from any influence and interference in their affiliations as well as activities.

 We work towards identifying and meeting the evolving needs of our Sudanese –Canadian communities in Canada and Sudan, the professionals and volunteers who serve our Sudanese –Canadian communities, by being a trusted forum for the collaborative exchange of knowledge and information, and by helping our members learn, achieve and excel. As well our mission is to inspire professionalism, effective leadership and responsible citizenship—ideals reflected in associations that are preferred places to call home in Canada and Sudan.